Wednesday 8 October 2008

The price of peace

Had another conversation with my brother tonight as he works for a major bank that looked like it was going down the toilet yesterday and I wanted to check that he was still sane! He said he was okay as he now works for the government so is looking forward to less money, longer holidays, shorter hours and paid sick leave. He said that the global economic crisis would probably mean that the U.S. will pull out of Iraq, regardless of the result of the election. In fact this crisis has been what Al Qaeda have been trying to do since 9/11 and if only they'd have known that this meltdown would just occur on its own they could have avoided a lot of bloodshed! Now all the major economies have got their money tied up supporting the banks their won't be anything left to spend on weapons and wars. Wouldn't that be nice!

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Be more dog

I'm always grateful that we have our dogs. We had never been dog owners up until our move but it had been something that we both wanted ...