Thursday 1 January 2009

New Years resolutions

Ian and I had a quiet New Years Eve, watching the TV. We just about managed to stay awake until midnight, reluctantly on Ian's part and today we are relaxing. This is quite a contrast to my mother in her apartment block. The ladies decided to organise a party and everyone contributed some food and drink. My mother brought down some CDs that she had acquired for Christmas and they ate, drank, did a quiz and then sang and danced to Abba! How the older generation live!

I have decided to try and do some posts next year on my mother's life, as she remembers it. She had some interesting experiences, having been evacuated during the war as a child, cycling around France post war and raising a family in the 1960s. She has told me lots of stories but I can't remember all the details. I think it would be nice somewhere to have a record of her exploits.

I have no real New Years resolutions or expectations for the year. Ian is paying a fleeting visit to the land in two weeks to meet with the builder as it seems that the walls are now finished and we are awaiting the roof imminently!

So, to all readers, may 2009 bring you lots of happiness.

1 comment:

The Gorse Fox said...

Happy New Year to you.

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