Sunday 6 April 2008

Team building!

After the all-day staff meeting a couple of weeks ago it seems that the 'management team' (and I put that in quotes because I have never seen any evidence of management in the 5 years that I have been there) decided that we needed some team building activities! We all got an email last week asking us if we were interested in taking part in a school choir or Tai Chi on the lawn! Now, don't get me wrong; I appreciate the thought and I appreciate the fact that someone is thinking about my well-being, albeit in a somewhat misguided way. However, these would not be my choice of activities! I can appreciate the therapeutic potential of singing and in deed was a member of a very successful community choir for 10 years when I lived in London. I am also aware of the tremendous hard work non-singers need to put in, in order for it not to sound like a bunch of cats wailing and I eventually 'retired' from my singing career when I realised that the kind of hard work I needed to put in would preclude having a full time job! Now Tai Chi might be nice in the mornings. I tried a course a few years ago and it takes about 6 months of regular attendance to master the moves in a way that makes it look a little effortless but never- the-less if we could all get to that point it might be good for us! But on the lawn..first thing in the morning! Today it is April and I am looking out of my window at 6 inches of snow!

I have not expressed an interest!

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Be more dog

I'm always grateful that we have our dogs. We had never been dog owners up until our move but it had been something that we both wanted ...