Monday, 14 April 2008

Llama cake and Fanny's farm

I quite like my new site feed gizmo thingy as I can see how many people are visiting and how they are getting there. The posts that attract the most traffic and come up in people's searches are the banana llama cake (as I assume people are looking for ideas on how to make a cake like a llama unless it is a euphemism for a drug!) and fanny's farm! I can guess why but 'Fanny' really is a girl's name and Fanny really does own a farm in Reigate where she sells cakes and you can have tea! Honestly! (And if you have got to this page because you were hoping Fanny's farm was something else..serve you right!)


Anonymous said...

Sorry but a bit off topic but tell us more about your H&S person.. We had a good laugh in the office about the April fools joke..ha.ha. what a true fool.


Please :-)

Anonymous said...

Sadly a google search for 'llama fanny' finds this site all too easily!

Fiona x

Michael House said...

why would anyone do a search of llama fanny?? people are funny. Perhaps that is what they meant, funny llama, they are comical after all...

Be more dog

I'm always grateful that we have our dogs. We had never been dog owners up until our move but it had been something that we both wanted ...