Another quick post while Ian is in the shower. Our living arrangements are quite basic but adequate. We have an airbed carefully balanced on two pallettes, a camping stove, a kitchen work surface consisting of a piece of hardboard (that will eventually go into the fabric of the house) on trestles, a washing bowl and porta-potty. What we don't have is running water to the house. This morning I was thinking about what a chore it was to collect water from the tap and walk 50 metres to the house when I thought about people without water where the women walk 4 miles a day to collect their water and carry it back on their heads! What weak feeble people we are here in the West.
A blog about living in rural France, and currently surviving through the coronavirus times.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Time to relax
More to come ...
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Crossing The Chanel
So as not to be caught out this time we arrived at the port with what we thought was time to spare only to see traffic jams and queues as we approached Dover! We were 10 minutes late checking in this time through no fault of our own. We had prepared our answer to the question 'what do you have in the van?' carefully and said 'just some insulation and a few tools'. "Insulation" said the lady behind the window, "Well, that's freight isn't it?" I could sense that we had not got our answer quite right and in my impatience I snapped at her. "Freight! No its not freight! We are building a house and it's for our personal use!" My annoyance (and the queues behind us) must have done the trick and she waved us through. We drove to our lane and waited to embark, at which point Ian said, "I really need a pee". Grumpier than ever, I replied, "can't you wait until we are on the ferry? We'll be going on soon"
"No, I really must go!" and with that he got out of the van and sprinted to the terminal buildings. After a few minutes the inevitable happened and I was beckoned forth to drive onto the ferry. I called the man over, "I'm so sorry, my boyfriend has just gone off to the loo"
"Drive the van over there then and wait for him", came the reply. And that was how it happened that the first time I drove the van (a medium wheelbase transit with a fully loaded 16 foot trailer with 2 tons of plasterboard on it) was to manoeuvre it out of our narrow parking lane and turn it round along side a row of park cars! I was not amused but quite impressed that I stayed calm and didn't hit anything!
The boat was packed and the queues for the cafeteria were long. We eventually managed to get in and treated ourselves to a proper breakfast. One thing that we both noticed was that those who were sitting eating bacon, egg, sausage, beans and fried bread were, on the whole of average size, whereas those not eating breakfast but sitting in the lounge having crisps and fizzy drinks were the larger passengers!
Coming back our embarkation was less eventful except Ian went off to the loo again just as the port security came round and asked me to open the van. The man smiled when he saw the leopard print wellies and the dirty washing strewn across the back and decided to investigate no further! As it was supper time we decided to eat in the Langhams Brasserie on the boat; an expensive treat but the respite from fellow passengers justified it in out eyes! The restaurant was busy but we were in a quiet spot with two other couples either side. They were respectable looking but we were a bit shocked to see that they both downed a bottle of wine with dinner. Now as it was a car ferry and they didn't look like foot passengers I was a bit more wary of other drivers as we got off the boat! Interestingly the table of four surfers who looked like they were going to be loud and irritating drank soft drinks!
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Saturday morning:- ferry to Calais (must remember not to put in any cans of foam filler this time)..cooked breakfast on the Ferry.
Go shopping for wire in Leroy Merlin in Calais (French for B&Q). See if I can persuade Ian to let me go shopping for food while he is in DIY shop!
Drop off trailer with ton of plasterboard with Ian's friend Mike (something we agreed to do after he helped us for a week).
Drive to somewhere near Le Mans and find a hotel. Go out for dinner.
Sunday: Drive to the land, set up camp in the house,
Monday-Saturday: work on house
Sunday: Drive back via Mike's to pick up empty trailer and head back to Calais for an evening crossing.
Of course I shouldn't be here blogging! I still haven't started packing!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
"Hey mate..guess what happened?.... You know I got done for speeding.. well I'd just been to the police station to show them my licence right.. and then on the way back I ran a red light and I only got stopped by the cops again!!.. yes.. would you believe it! well I said to the copper, no mate, you can't do me again, I've just paid my fine for the speeding thing.. but he said he'd have to book me.. I said you can't book me, I pay your wages... but he wouldn't have it..I was saying to him like.. I bet you have to drink a lot of Horlicks so you can sleep at night.. I mean, I had the kids in the car..."
Then the topic changed
" yes, I'm on my way to the doctors..well he reckons I've got high blood pressure.. yes.. and I've got pains in my neck..and now he reckons I've got to be tested for this diabetes thing.."
At this point he caught up with me and passed by, still talking on the phone. He was around 30, overweight and racing around without paying any attention to anything around him. He may pay towards the wages of the cops that gave him a ticket but we will pay for his insulin, his amputations and his coronary artery bypass in a few years!
It was the fact that he was totally oblivious to the consequences of any of his actions on himself or others that amazed me!
Another day in parliament
Sunday, 17 May 2009
I can't wait for the day....
Here's how it goes.. wake up in the night sweating, pull off the duvet, freeze 5 minutes later, pull on the duvet, wake up sweating.. continue until morning.. Get up, have a hot flush just when you have finished drying yourself off after a shower and have to start again..have a hot flush after drinking a cup of tea, get into the car, have another hot flush driving to work, saying hello to boss, opening emails etc etc....
My periods have caused me nothing but trouble all my life. When all this is over I will be very happy! I will not have a crisis concerning my femininity, I will not grieve the passing of my youth but just be bl**dy glad I can live my life without being at the mercy of my hormones!
Planning the next visit
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Human nature
Another thing my father used to say was that Labour politicians always got caughtin the end with their hand in the till and Tories caught in bed with someone they shouldn't have!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
No stopping the ladies
"Hello Maud. You are looking a shadow of your former self. Have you lost weight?"
"Yes, I'm down to a size 16 and I haven't been that for over 30 years"
"Oh, well done..." (Maud leaves)
"Didn't she look well?"
"Yes, but she's lost the weight that quickly she'll probably put it straight back on.."
You're probably right. Don't you just hate these new changing rooms? There's nowhere to put your things!"
(I should add here the new changing rooms are luxurious compared to what was there before with large lockers, plenty of space, and clean and functioning showers!)
The wedding approaches
"I hope you're not planning to get married soon. I don't want another one to go to!"
I looked up wedding etiquette in Lady Behave: A guide to modern manners (written in 1956, the year before my mother got married). In relation to the bride's mother, it says
" She is no longer required to dress up in any more than she would if she were going to a friend's formal wedding. The days of grey chiffon and a bouquet for her have gone.The smartest of brides' mothers we have seen usually wear a tailored silk frock or suit, not black, possibly a buttonhole and a rather gay hat and gloves".
Great Lies
Take this recent reminder from our workplace...
Just a gentle reminder about your mileage claims and how these work in relation to the travel to your normal workplace. I have copied the relevant extract from the staff handbook below:
1.1 When travelling between sites you should claim mileage in accordance with the distances given on the inter-site mileage chart published on the website and in the Staff Handbook.
1.2 If you travel between your home and a location other than your normal place of work, you should deduct the miles/cost of your normal journey to work, if ascertainable, from the total and claim only for the additional cost incurred.
1.3 You are entitled to claim for parking charges. Parking fines will not be paid.
I enclose the inter-site mileage chart and also the mileage chart I have compiled using previous travel claims etc. The mileage on my chart should of course only be used if you actually travel from work.
Now who of us have not slipped in a few extra miles or combined some work related travel (which we have claimed back) with a visit to an old friend in the area? Have you ever extended an overseas business trip into the weekend and had a nice jolly with the travel expenses paid by your employer?
You are only disappointed that our politicians have been doing this as well (all be it on a larger scale) if you believed that somehow politicians were more honest than the rest of us and that would be naivety in the extreme!
My father used to say to me when I was a child
"Lovely, everyone is one the fiddle".
I used to think he was an embittered cynic!
Monday, 11 May 2009
All in a weekend's work
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Good intentions
This weekend I am at home and Ian is coming down. I am going to see if we can have a break from working so hard and at least take a day to relax.
I decided that if I get the pig flu I am not going to tell anyone. I know that makes me a bit anti-social but then I really don't see how I would know if I got it. I am currently experiencing the delights of hot flushes; at least 15 before breakfast, and my MCTD means that I often have achey muscles, so I really don't know how I would know whether I had flu, the menopause or a flare of my MCTD! I guess if I want a week off work.......
Well, I can put it off no longer.. off to the gym!
Monday, 4 May 2009
Bank holiday weekend
On Saturday we did some chores at Ian's mother's house; consisting mostly of mowing the lawn. Sunday started with a trip to B&Q and Wickes to buy some laminate flooring for Ian's flat. Not something we would choose to do for ourselves but as we are planning to rent or sell it, solid flooring seems the best choice. Over the next two days we successfully completed the floor in Ian's bedroom. Of course, the part of the job that takes the longest is emptying the room, finding somewhere to store all the contents, taking off the doors of the built-in-wardrobe and working around the mess. Despite the claims that laminate flooring is a task that any DIYer should be able to manage, it still turned out to require a fair degree of skill from Ian and a good bit of 'easing to fit'.
The other thing we did was buy all the insulation for the house in France..a full van load of fibreglass rolls. We had hoped to use paper insulation but at three times the cost we decided on the more traditional material. I think that I will have to assist with the installation on our next trip to France.
So, now I am tired after all this activity and off to bed!
Be more dog
I'm always grateful that we have our dogs. We had never been dog owners up until our move but it had been something that we both wanted ...
The prompt for Sepia Saturday this week is of a couple around a piano. It is an upright piano and similar to the one owned ...
This picture is taken from the begining (or end) of the South Downs overlooking Eastbourne. It was a Sunday afternoon and it shows kids and...
This photograph was in my mother's collection. All the other photos were carefully named but this one had a question mark by it. ...