Sunday, 17 May 2009

I can't wait for the day....

What defective evolutionary process was it that decided that it was a good idea for women to have to endure 40 years of fluctuating hormones, painful cramps, etc. and then, just when you see that misery coming to an end make you suffer from 'hot flushes' instead?

Here's how it goes.. wake up in the night sweating, pull off the duvet, freeze 5 minutes later, pull on the duvet, wake up sweating.. continue until morning.. Get up, have a hot flush just when you have finished drying yourself off after a shower and have to start again..have a hot flush after drinking a cup of tea, get into the car, have another hot flush driving to work, saying hello to boss, opening emails etc etc....

My periods have caused me nothing but trouble all my life. When all this is over I will be very happy! I will not have a crisis concerning my femininity, I will not grieve the passing of my youth but just be bl**dy glad I can live my life without being at the mercy of my hormones!

1 comment:

Chairman Bill said...

I can sympathise. Testosterone is no joke either - the constant urge to compete is exhausting...

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